100+ Calming Acoustic Covers That Will Clear Your Mind

Whether you’re having a stressful day at work, preparing for exams, or simply in the midst of a crisis, you can never go wrong with listening to some calming acoustic covers. These acoustics should help you unwind, clear your mind and (most likely) soothe your soul. 

When I was in the process of creating this playlist, I could not stop listening to it. Some of my personal favorites include “Fast Car,” “Girl Crush,” “Stolen Dance,” “Heart of Gold,” “Creep,” “Seven Nation Army,” “Chained to the Rhythm,” “Subeme la Radio,” “The Nights,” and “Pumped Up Kicks.” With over 6 hours of songs on here, you should have little trouble with finding some of your own favorites. Also, if you need music to help you fall asleep, this is definitely a solid playlist to play at night.

(P.S. ~ You might notice a handful that are not covers. I put those in there because the original artist did an acoustic version which is sometimes better than the original…plus, they were relaxing.)

I hope you enjoy and have a great day!